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[Guide] Email Warmup 101: What? Why? How?
[Guide] Email Warmup 101: What? Why? How?
Updated over a week ago

Are you struggling to get opens and replies from your cold emails?

You're not alone.

Many sales professionals face this challenge: they send cold emails only to hear crickets... but there's a solution to make it one step further: email warmup.

We'll dive deep into what email warmup is, why it's crucial for cold outreach success, and how you can implement it step-by-step to scale your efforts and reach your sales goals (all possible within


  • Improve your email deliverability and ensure your emails reach the primary inbox

  • Increase your open and reply rates by building a positive sending reputation

  • Scale your cold outreach without triggering spam filters or getting blacklisted

What is Email Warmup?

Email warmup is the process of gradually increasing the volume of emails sent from a new or inactive email account to establish a positive sending reputation with Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and Email Service Providers (ESPs).

By consistently sending emails and demonstrating engagement, you signal to these providers that you are a legitimate sender, not a spammer.


  • ISPs and ESPs use complex algorithms to detect and filter out spam to protect their users

  • Suddenly sending a large volume of emails from a new account can trigger spam filters and harm your deliverability

  • Building a positive sending reputation takes time and consistent effort, but it's essential for cold outreach success

    Step-by-Step Guide to Email Warmup

    Step 1: Set Up a Secondary Email Domain

  • Avoid using your primary business domain for cold outreach, as it can put your main domain's reputation at risk

  • Instead, purchase a secondary domain specifically for cold email campaigns

  • Choose a domain that aligns with your brand and sounds trustworthy (e.g.,,,,

Configure your secondary domain's DNS settings and email hosting

More on setting up a secondary email domain can be found via this article:

Step 2: Authenticate Your Domain

  • Set up Sender Policy Framework (SPF) records to specify which IP addresses can send emails on behalf of your domain

  • Implement DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) to add a digital signature to your emails and prevent spoofing

  • Establish Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) to align SPF and DKIM and specify how to handle failed authentication

  • Follow your email provider's instructions to set up these records in your domain's DNS settings

More about SPF, DKIM and DMARC can be found in this article:

Step 3: Use Luna's Intelligent Warmup Feature

  • Luna's advanced warmup system automatically crafts relevant emails based on your industry, job title, and target audience

  • These contextual emails help establish a positive reputation with ESPs by mimicking genuine conversations

  • Luna intelligently marks emails as important, removes them from spam folders, and archives them on your behalf

  • Simply connect your email account and let Luna's warmup run in the background, ensuring your emails land where they belong: the primary inbox

Step 4: Start with a Small Volume of Emails

Once you're done warming up...

  • Begin by sending 10-20 emails per day

  • Ensure your content is valuable and relevant to avoid unsubscribes or spam complaints

  • Monitor your open rates, reply rates, and bounce rates to ensure good engagement

  • Gradually increase your daily volume by 10-20% each week, as long as your engagement rates remain strong

Step 5: Monitor Your Deliverability

  • Use Luna's built-in tracking to monitor open rates, bounce rates, and spam complaints

  • Aim for an open rate above 50%, a bounce rate below 1%, and minimal spam complaints

  • If you notice issues, slow down your sending volume and review your content

Step 6: Maintain Your Reputation

  • Continue to send high-quality, relevant emails to your prospects consistently

  • Regularly clean your email list to avoid sending to invalid or unengaged addresses (automatically done by Luna - we validate every email address).

  • Monitor your sender reputation using our Email Health feature

  • If you need to significantly increase your volume, consider adding secondary domains to spread the load

The Benefits of Continuous Email Warmup with Luna

Luna's email warmup feature is designed to keep your inbox in good standing, even when you're not actively sending cold emails.

By maintaining a consistent flow of contextual, personalized warmup emails with a 100% reply rate, Luna ensures that your email account always looks like a legitimate, engaged business inbox.

Here's an example of how Luna's continuous warmup can benefit your outreach:

  • With Luna warmup sending 8 emails per day alongside your 50 daily outreach emails:

    • 48 out of 58 total emails get opened (80% outreach, 100% warmup)

    • 8 emails get marked as important (0% outreach, 100% warmup)

    • 10 emails get replied to (5% outreach, 100% warmup)

    • 2 emails get marked as spam (5% outreach, 0% warmup)

  • Without Luna's continuous warmup, out of your 50 daily outreach emails:

    • 40 emails get opened (80% outreach)

    • 0 emails get marked as important

    • 2 emails get replied to (5% outreach)

    • 2 emails get marked as spam (5% outreach)

By always keeping email warmup on, Luna makes your inbox appear more like a thriving business email account rather than a potential spam sender.

Best Practices for Scaling Cold Outreach

  • Segment your prospects and personalize your messaging to improve relevance and engagement (i.e. create multiple playbooks/campaigns)

  • A/B test your subject lines, copy, and calls-to-action to optimize performance

  • Please, please, please... If you're serious about your outreach success, set up a secondary domain to protect your main domain


Email warmup is a critical process for any sales professional looking to get results from their cold email outreach.

By following this step-by-step guide, you can establish a positive sending reputation, improve your deliverability, and ultimately generate more opens, replies, and conversions from your campaigns.

Remember, email warmup is not a one-time task, but an ongoing process. Consistency is key to maintaining your hard-earned reputation and ensuring long-term cold outreach success.


  • Always use a secondary domain for cold outreach to protect your primary domain's reputation

  • Email warmup is essential for building a positive sending reputation and avoiding spam filters

  • Authenticate your domain, start with a small volume, and gradually increase over time

  • Use Luna's intelligent warmup feature to automate the process with hyper-personalized emails

  • Regularly monitor your deliverability

By mastering the art and science of email warmup, you'll be well on your way to scaling your cold outreach efforts and smashing your sales goals.

Happy sending! ๐Ÿš€


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